Saturday, August 23, 2008

..a sense of Me...

I am simple and I am complex
I am honest and I am a liar
I am kind and I am evil
I am happy and I am sad
I am loud and I am quiet
I am something in between
But I am a whole of man...

I see there's no limit to what you can do with Internet. I just reload the photo from my digi camera everday It was a long-hour and meticoulous work. I wonder if I'm that crazy to do such a thing. Maybe it's just a waste of time, but I love the final result. It looks great, and I finally able to put up the photo with some stories page without having stressed The good thing is that I can DO IT the way I want it...

My mum & sis wonders what I've been doing. They may not understand why her daughter cares so much to such thing like that. That was just my assumption though, they didn't say anything anyway... ok lah tu

errr... sorry... tak de idealah nak bercerita...


umi_e said...

chime... keep up your good work!

* sikit pun takpe daripada takde :p

Keri AlHaj said...

hehe... betul tu... idea ni kekadang dtang betimpa-timpa... tapi bila time blur, perahlah otak tu sampai kering pun... tak mo dia kelua...