Monday, February 23, 2009

Sekadar catatan...

I had a quiet conversation with a dear old friend yesterday. It was about a challenge (read: opportunity) that I declined to take. He send me an e-mail couple of days a go. Questioning me. He thought I had the capability. I told him honestly the reason why. I simply was not interested in the challenge presented to me. And I am the one who know what is best for me.... yes?

He came to see me again yesterday. Tried to convince me to change my mind. I did not and I was not about to change my mind. He left and I dropped him an e-mail. Thanking him for trusting me. He replied and said that I’ve been in my comfort zone too long. Am I? Maybe I am.

For those who knew me would know that I never decline a challenge nor pass an opportunity to develop my self. But why is it difference this time? Maybe because I know my pool too well. Maybe because I know the other fishes too well. I knew that the big fishes does not always look after the smaller fishes. And there are sharks. And vampire fishes. And jelly fishes that are transparant but ready to electrocute you.

Don’t get me wrong, I was not afraid of them. I have never been and I never will. But to be able to swim, I need to have clear mind. And peace at heart. Something that I doubt that I will keep on having, had I welcomed the challenge. Although that would mean I will get more planktons but planktons come with a price. A price that I am not willing to pay.

Am I at fault to choose not to take it?

hmmmm... apa-apalah...


Miss Zahidah Zakaria said...

only u know what is the best for u =)

Tirana said...

Jom kita main lompat katak...hehehe..

Well Chime, you got the reason for not grabbing that opportunity. No one can say anything about it. Allah knows the best for you and you know better about yourself than anybody else.. Have a clear mind!!!

Keri AlHaj said...

Dek zaza - Ya hanya kita yg tahu... Dan Allah juga tahu...

kak Tirana - Main lompat katak?? heheh... mcm best je kan, hujan pun dah mula turun sekarang ni... tentu lagi bersorak katak-katak tu...

Terima kasih kak...

Sufi Idany said...

abg chime : cabaran dan peluang dua ulas perkataan dalam hidup yang ada bezanya... semuanya perlukan keyakinan diri untuk mengutuhkannya.... apapun pilihan kita biar kita memilih atas dasar kita mahu ianya jadi seperti apa yang kita nk nak bukan atas sebab org lain mintak....

ahahahah terbelit2 ke ayat ida ni ?

Keri AlHaj said...

ida - setiap peluang diberi pd kita, mestlah ada cabaran yg terpaksa kita lalui... sebab tu saya suka meltakkan peluang itu sebagai cabaran...

ayat ida berbelit jugak, tapi boleh paham lagi... hhehee